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Screenshot of a Twitter feed focused on #webdesign, showing tweets about branding and free web design templates, with links and hashtags.

Innovating on the Pull-To-Refresh Gesture

The pull-to-refresh interaction design pattern has become a staple in mobile apps. It allows users to check and see if there’s new content available, and to refresh the screen if there is. The pull-to-refresh interaction is found in apps that need to constantly push out new content to its users.

Here’s the pull-to-refresh interaction in the Twitter app: Pull-to-refresh interaction on Twitter app. Instagram also utilizes the pull-to-refresh interaction to let its users update the screen with new photos: Pull-to-refresh interaction on Instagram. Here’s the last example. It’s from the social fitness app called Fitocracy. This one’s more verbose.

It displays the time and date of when the content was last updated: Pull-to-refresh interaction on Fitocracy. Having the pull-to-refresh feature is convenient for users because they’re able to update the screen whenever they choose. However, pulling down and releasing the screen is such a substantial gesture. It demands a whole lot more physical effort compared to other touch gestures like tapping or swiping.

The interaction thus needs to be more productive in order to compel people to use it more often.

Augmented Pull-To-Refresh

In the Google Chrome app, the functionality of the pull-to-refresh gesture has been expanded with the ability to perform two other actions: Open a new browser tab or close the current tab. Like the standard pull-to-refresh design pattern, pulling down on the screen and then letting it go will just refresh the screen: Pull-to-refresh in Chrome. However, if you pull down > swipe right > release, Chrome will close the current tab.

Alternatively, swiping left will open a new tab instead. Augmented pull-to-refresh. This augmented pull-to-refresh interaction is more rewarding. Pulling down on the screen gives users three possible actions to choose from, instead of just one. This interaction design in Chrome also makes regularly-used actions easier to get to.

For example, the normal method of opening a new browser tab requires two distinct tap gestures. Additionally, it has a higher cognitive demand because the user has to negotiate a menu in order to find the “New Tab” item amongst a list of 10 items. The old way of opening a new tab. In contrast, opening a new tab with the augmented pull-to-refresh interaction is much more efficient since the same task can be done with just one smooth gesture.

What do you think about this interaction design? Let’s talk about it in the comments.

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jacob gube smallJacob Gube is the founder of Six Revisions. He’s a front-end developer. Connect with him on Twitter.

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