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8 Ways to Increase Employee Engagement [Infographic]

Gallup defines engaged employees as those who work with passion and feel a profound connection to their company. They drive innovation and move the organization forward. Having passionate, innovative employees is a clear benefit in itself – but that’s not the only benefit of high engagement. Companies with high levels of employee engagement are 21% more productive and 22% more profitable.

They experience 65% less turnover, have 48% less accidents, and see 37% lower absenteeism. They also have 10% higher customer satisfaction rates and 41% fewer product defects. Disengaged employees, on the other hand, cost U.S.

businesses more than $300 billion per year. That’s because a staggering 70% of US employees are not engaged at work. So how can you improve your company’s employee engagement levels?

In this infographic, we’ll cover 8 ways your company can improve employee engagement rates, as well as your overall work environment: employee-engagement-infographic So, to break it down:

1. Encourage social connections

88% of employees rate their relationships with coworkers as important to their job satisfaction. Plus, employees with positive social connections get sick less often and perform better on the job. You can foster social connections by providing your employees with space to take breaks throughout the day and encouraging them to use it, as well as hosting events and activities outside work hours.

2. Provide feedback

Turnover rate is 14.9% lower among employees who receive feedback on their strengths. Employees who receive regular feedback are 12.5% productive than those who don’t. Companies who provide regular feedback are 8.9% also more profitable than those who don’t.

Providing honest and constructive feedback is a simple way to keep your employees engaged, and will also improve the quality of their work.

3. Lead by example

Employees who work with engaged leaders are 55% more engaged and 53% more focused. They’re also more likely to remain at the company long-term. If you’re committed to building a company of engaged employees, you need to make sure that your leadership positions are filled by people truly committed to your company and goals.

4. Have a clear vision

Employees who see purpose in their work are more engaged. Unfortunately, only 42% of employees know their organization’s vision, mission, and cultural values. Make sure that your company’s overall mission and goals are clear, and that each employee can see how they personally contribute to achieving them.

5. Treat everyone with respect

Respectful treatment is rated as the most important factor in job satisfaction by 67% of employees – higher than compensation, benefits, or the work itself. 49% of employees say that their immediate supervisor’s respect has the most impact on their satisfaction with their work environment. Make respect a core value of your company’s culture, and your employees will be more satisfied and engaged with their overall work experience.

6. Celebrate accomplishments

94% of employees say they like being recognized for their accomplishments at work, and 89% of employees said they felt more pride in their work after being recognized for it. On the flip side, 74% of workers whose employers do not celebrate accomplishments say they are likely to leave their jobs. Recognizing employees for their successes and accomplishments is an easy way to boost morale, and can motivate them to continue producing great work.

7. Offer room for growth

70% of employees feel valued at work when they are given opportunities for development and growth. Invest in the resources your employees need to continue learning and improving their skills, and try to promote within whenever you need to fill management positions.

8. Ask for feedback

26% of employees withhold information about problems or ideas for workplace improvement due to a sense of futility. Make it clear that you value your employees’ job satisfaction by sending surveys that ask for their honest feedback and any suggestions they have for improving your company as a whole.

How’s your company’s employee engagement rate?

Engaged employees are great for your work environment, your productivity levels, and your company as a whole. So if your employee engagement levels aren’t what they should be, it’s time to take some strategies above into account.

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